Should I really get health insurance for my pet?

Pet insurance

When you stop and think about what would happen if your pet absolutely had to have surgery, or needed to be treated for any kind of serious illness for that matter, you just might want to consider it. It can spare you from making tough financial decisions when your pet is unexpectedly ill.

“One misconception about pet insurance is that it’s too expensive,” says Matt Johnson, CVT and hospital manager at Animal Care Hospital. “The companies we work with charge about $45 per month and could save your pet’s life. They also let you chose your vet so there are no restrictions in treating your pet.”

Having pet insurance lets you make the best choice for your pet children instead of the least expensive choice. Unfortunately, some pet parents have to resort to putting their pet down because they can’t afford treatment. The worst is having to turn down treatment because you can’t afford the bills but we all think that it won’t happen to us.

How Does Pet Insurance Work?

Most pet health insurance plans reimburse you for the cost of veterinary care, after the fact. You pay the initial price of your pet’s treatment, then submit the paperwork for reimbursement. The amount the company reimburses you for depends on the policy you choose and your deductible, but most typically reimburse around 80% of costs after the deductible.

“You can be a doting pet parent and take great care of your pet but the bottom line is that accidents do happen,” says Dr. Nicky at Animal Care Hospital. “We can help you understand what illnesses are typical with your dog’s breed or what to expect as your pet ages, to help you determine what health insurance plan will work best for you.”

At Animal Care Hospital, we can work with you to find the best pet insurance that will fit your budget and needs. We can explain what each plan offers and compare coverages for any concerns for your dog and its breed. Knowing the illnesses that are prevalent in your dog’s breed will help you select the right plan, as well as what you should plan for as your pet ages, like hip replacement, joint problems or cancer.

“For all our new patients under the age of 5, we offer free 30-day accident and injury insurance,” says Matt, “We recently saw a client who activated her free trail and the very next morning after her visit with us, her dog ate a bottle of Tylenol and had to be hospitalized for several days. Since she had the insurance, her cost was minimal.”

We’ll help you understand what’s excluded as well before you buy any plan. While it’s less costly to insure a puppy, you can certainly ensure your older pet, although there may be some exclusions.

“It’s also important to know that no pet insurance company will cover pre-existing conditions,” says Matt Johnson, CVT, “but we’ll let you know everything upfront. Some even offer discounts for multiple pets, so make an appointment to talk to us about your options today.”