Just launched! New online pharmacy!

It’s so easy, use your phone, tablet, or computer!

Just a click away, you can now order your pet’s medicine, prescription food, heartworm preventive, flea and tick preventive, as well as over 10,000 products, all at great prices that are competitive with the most popular online veterinary pharmacies.

What’s more, your orders on our online pharmacy automatically update your pet’s medical records with us so we know your pet’s getting the right medication and the right dosage. And if it doesn’t fit into your budget to buy the 6-month or 12-month dose of heartworm or flea and tick preventive, you can opt for once a month auto-ship and still get a great price, shipped for free. You select the timeframe and the frequency, and just like Amazon, it’s delivered to your door. Our online pharmacy also offers great coupons several times a month delivered right to your inbox!

“Some owners tell us they find it difficult to get their pet to take his medication, and that can be a problem,” says Matt Johnson, CVT and Hospital Manager at Animal Care Hospital. “Our online pharmacy can compound most any medication into a form and flavor that is easier to use, such as melt tabs that are chicken flavored, or a liquid that is applied to the skin and absorbed. There are lots of options, all designed to make your life easier. And, we guarantee all our products.”

So save some money, make your life easier and support your local veterinary office. Click here https://www.achmorris.com/ to get started and shop with us online.

Cindy Pervola, Lifetime Dog Owner, Business Writer, and Consultant

Don’t miss out on our biggest savings of the year. Visit our online store today and save up to $100 on medications for your pet 🐾