Read Animal Care Hospital of Morris's Blog

Dental Disease In Pets - It Is Not Just About Bad Breath
Author:Cindy Pervola, Lifetime Dog Owner, Business Writer and ConsultantDate:2020-05-28Should I really get health insurance for my pet?
Author:Cindy Pervola, Lifetime Dog Owner, Business Writer and ConsultantDate:2020-02-20Animal Care Hospital can work with you to find the best pet insurance that will fit your budget and needs. For more info, call us at 815-941-9924!
Just launched! New online pharmacy!
Author:Cindy Pervola, Lifetime Dog Owner, Business Writer and ConsultantDate:2020-02-06Just a click away, you can now order your pet’s medicine, prescription food, heartworm preventive, flea and tick preventive, as well as over 10,000 products, all at great prices that are competitive with the most popular online veterinary pharmacies.
3 Tips to Ease Introducing a New Pet Into Your Home
Author:Cindy Pervola, Lifetime Dog Owner, Business Consultant & WriterDate:2020-01-07Four Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe Over the Holidays
Author:Cindy Pervola, Lifetime Dog Owner, Business Consultant & WriterDate:2019-12-15The holidays are a fun time of year, but be sure to take the time to ensure your pets are safe from the dangers of holiday decorations and plants.